Aris Alexopoulos

Chapter Books

Greece: Government as the Dominant Player

Rasch, Tsebelis, The Role of Governments in Legislative Agenda Setting, London: Routledge (forthcoming)

Policy Efficiency and the Institutional Design of Independent Regulatory Authorities in Greece: The cases of Greek Competition Commission, and Greek Telecommunications and Post Commission

Makrydimitris, Bravita (et. al.), New Trends in Management: «New Public Management», Social Corporate Responsibility & Civil Society, Athens: Savvalas (forthcoming in Greek with Alexandra Theodosiadi and George Pasiopoulos)

The Reform and Efficiency of the UN Security Council: A Veto Player Analysis

Bourantonis, Yfantis, Tsakonas (eds), Multilateralism and Security Institutions in the Era of Globalization, London: Routledge, 2007 (with Dimitris Bourantonis)

Public Policy Reform and the Role of Public Bureaucracy in Greece

Makridimitris, Bravita (, Public Public Administration and Society: Theory and Praxis, Athens: A.Sakkoulas, 2007 (in Greek)

Epistemic Communities and Collective Action: The case of Labour Institute of Greek Confederation of Workers (G.S.E.E.)

Karagiorgas Foundation (ed.), Labour and Politics: Trade Unions and Interest Representation in Greece 1974-2004, Athens: Savvalas, 2007 (in Greek)

Institutional Solutions to Overcome Developmental Stalemate in Greek Economy

Pelagidis, Mitsopoulos, Political Analysis of the Greek Economy: Rent Seeking and Policy Reforms, Athens: Papazisis, 2006 (in Greek) (with T.Pelagidi)

Political Theory and Institutional Design against Corruption in Public Sector Hiring

Koutsoukis, Sklias (eds), Corruption in Greek Public Policy and Administration, Athens: Sideris, 2005, (in Greek with Ivi Mavromoustakou)

“Veto Players” in the Greek Political System

Kontogiorgis, Lavdas, Chrissochoou et. al. (eds), Thirty Years of Democracy: The Third Greek Republic, 1974-2004, Athens: Kritiki, 2004 (in Greek)

Developmental Stalemate in Greek Economy: Incentives for Escaping the Deadlock

Epilogi, Greek Economic Review, Special Edition (with T.Pelagidis in Greek)


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